by Jay Scher
Are you set apart? Have you chosen to be set apart? The choice is yours. Have you made it or do you think that you can worship the creator on any day you want as the set apart day, because you have been told so by the pastors of the world that do not know the truth? This day is the sign that will give you more truth and show that you are continuing to seek the Father! This day is the test commandment. If you don't keep this day and work on it, then you have fallen out of covenant relationship. If you decided to start keeping it then you will be given eyes to see and ears to hear the truth as it is written in scripture! It is a powerful tool to keep.
Eze 20:12 “And I also gave them My Sabbaths, to be a sign1 between them and Me, to know that I am יהוה who sets them apart.
This is such a powerful day to keep. It is like the drug that leads to other drugs. Sorry to use that example, but it is true. Once you start keeping this day then you start keeping the other Feast days and other commands in Torah that apply to us! The Ruach HaKo’desh/Set-Apart Spirit is very addictive. Once you feel it you want more of it and you want it to be around you all the time. This is real and the only way you will have it around you is by keeping the commands that we have been given in Lev 23, Lev 11, Duet 16, Ex 20 and a few others.
Are you going to learn to obey? If you are not already obeying and living the set-apart life or are you going to rebel just like the Israelites did in the wilderness? I pray you don't rebel especially right now. Time is so short. Things are lining up for the End Times. Don't fall into all the hype though that we are in the tribulation right now. We are not in it. There are so many things that have not happened that need to happen. So just stay focused on the prize. This is part of helping you keep your mind on the prize!
If you reject Father Yah he will reject you! If you reject the set apart day to worship him with your whole heart mind and soul on, he will reject you in time. Time is running out! He will give you some Favor for a time, for a season, but eventually he will give you enough rope to hang yourself, if you are walking disorderly! There are not many seasons left! You won’t even know it, because he will also allow you to be blinded and not be able to see the truth anymore. He will put the scales right back on your eyes that he once removed so you could see the truth and hear it from others when it was or is said. You really want to think about this and share it with others that you think might be going astray.
With brotherly love in the body of Messiah in the Way, Brother Jay