Sunday, July 14, 2013

Extensive History into the Names of the Week

    SUN-DAY (day #1)
From Latin, dies Solis, the Day-of-the-Sun. Since Babylon was established, Pagans have worshipped the Sun. Here’s a few of the names they’ve used:
Baal, Shamash, Moloch, Ahura-Mazda, Dagon, Sol, Marduk, Mithras, Krishna, Amen-Ra, Aton, Woden (Odin), Zeus, Deus, and the Druid / Teutonic “God”. You may recall that the Pharaoh and the Caesar (Khazar/Czar) were worshipped as the sun.

This began with the first king, Nimrod, discussed later. This pattern of worshipping the sun, moon, planets, and stars permeated the Babylonians, Persians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Mayans, Aztecs, and Indians. The governments were the religion. If they were “good” Pagans, at death they would be transported to the skies (Heaven) to live with their deities. This was called Nirvana, Shambala, or Elysian Fields. The Roman Consul/Emperor Constantine I gave us the term Sun-Day, which he also called Sol Invictus Mithras (the day of the unconquerable sun, Mithras). In 321 CE he decreed under the penalty of death that all artisans, merchants, and people of his Empire cease work on the Venerable Day of the Sun, to honor Mithras. This was a Universal Edict, and is still enforced in our western culture with our “blue laws”. (Interestingly, the government phone numbers are printed on blue pages in our US phone books). It was a weekly ritual of sun-worshippers to assemble at dawn on this day to greet the sun at its rising. A great pillar, or sun-ray obelisk was the solar religion’s primitive high place, condemned by Scripture as a “pillar of jealousy” ~ secretly interpreted as a male fertility symbol. Various tower designs such as steeples, pagodas, turrets, ziggurats, minarets, spires, obelisks, and pyramids have served Pagans well. The Temple did not have a high place, nor do synagogues! These high places would receive the first hallowed rays of dawn. At this point, bells were rung by hand, as in a shaker-grid, and large ones were struck with oak logs swung horizontally. Gongs struck with hammers were especially fun for the Oriental Pagan, but they also used the familiar bell shape too. In the book, The Conquest of Peru, Prescott is an eye-witness to blatant sunworship:
“The Inca would assemble at dawn eagerly. They watched the coming of the deity, and no sooner did his first yellow rays strike the turrets, than a shout of gratulation broke forth from the assembled multitude, the wild tunes from barbaric instruments swelled louder and louder as his bright orb shone in full splendor on his votaries.”

The Romans considered anyone who did not worship the sun to be an atheist and a traitor, since Caesar was the sun enthroned in a man. Religion, politics, and sports were all different facets of the same thing. Sun-Day will be discussed later too.

MON-DAY (day #2)

The Day-of-the-Moon.
To the Romans, lunae dies.

The Old English term was monan daeg, as translated from Latin, where mona means moon. Mona Lisa means “moon lily”. We get our word month (moonth) from mona, the 29.5 day orbital cycle, but this 2nd weekday is named what it is because it has been dubbed the moon’s day! The moon was identified with Artemis (Diana), but in some cults the sun and moon were the ‘eyes of heaven’. Artemis is depicted with the crescent moon beneath her feet as if riding in a boat ~ exactly as you will see Miryam (Mary) in Roman Catholic illustrations. The Astral King, the sun, and his sister the moon, were the dominant figures that shaped the astro-biological mind. The futility of honoring Pagan deities resulted because their foolish hearts were darkened, because they did not honor or give thanks to the Creator, though His invisible attributes are clearly seen.

TUES-DAY (day #3)

Tyr’s Day: “day of Tiu”.
Teutonic Druid-Celtic idol.

Unable to help themselves, the population of the Angles and Saxons were kept under control by various Druid priest cults. Like any other Pagan religion, the population lived in fear and ignorance, while the parasite fed off of them and kept them brain-washed. The Druids still worship the sun at Stonehenge every Summer Solstice. Tyr, or Tiu, was the Norse deity of war, considered the son of Odin (Woden). The French call this day Mardi (Mar’s Day), after Mars, the Roman’s deity of war! Mardi Gras is the French name meaning “fat Tuesday”, still bearing the name of the Roman deity. This festival falls the day before Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent, both to be discussed later.

WEDNES-DAY (day #4)

Well, DUH ~ as expected by now, it’s another Pagan idol’s name! An elder in Iceland couldn’t stand it anymore, and changed the days back to numbers for that island several hundred years ago. By saying it’s “Wednesday”(Woden, Odin), we are declaring it to be Woden’s Day. Considered highly skilled in magic (majik), this Celtic deity was, to the Teutonic Pagan, the husband of Freya, or Frigga. The Romans honored Mercury on this day, calling it Mercurii dies (Mercury’s Day). This mid-week evening was highly regarded as a night of majik ~ the Druids met to hold hands in a circle, chant, enchant, cast spells, and do it while surrounding a burning cross, the symbol of Woden (Odin). Some believe the Celtic crux is a Pagan majik symbol, the Trifolium clover leaf representing Woden, Frigga, and Thor. Other Druid trinities included Esus, Teutates, & Taranus. Anglo-Saxon xenophobia (fear of foreigners) and Druid customs are seen today in the modern Ku Klux Klan. They still call their leaders wizards and use the Celtic term “clan”, a traditional social unit in Scot Land. The word comes from the Greek kuklos, meaning “circle”. A very secretive society, it rose up mainly in the South (US) after the civil war, to reassert “white supremacy” by terroristic methods. The Druids were very nationalistic, so it was difficult for Rome to conquer them. The only way “Christianity” could win them over was to absorb their culture. This is called inculturation. “Syncretisms” — the attempt to reconcile or combine differing beliefs in philosophy or religion by uniting them — mixes of two or more behaviors together, re-inventing the meaning “on the surface”.
Is this the real reason some Christians meet together on this night? Catholics have always had a “novena” session on this night. What is this idea we call syn-cretism? “Syn” means together, and the Dictionary defines Cretin* (kret’n) as “a fool; and idiot. [French cretin, idiot, from Swiss French, crestin, CHRISTIAN”. Sorry, look it up yourself. We will have a look at the word “Christian” as a translation of Mashian (a follower of any generic “messiah”/mashiach) a bit later. For now, let it be enough to say that the sect which was established by the true Mashiach was called Natsarim**. But most hang their hat on one text, or never question a translator’s choices. Well, did you know that the word “Christian / Christians” is only used a total of 3 times in all of Scripture, and it is only in the Greek translation? Woden’s emblem was the Celtic Crux, a cross with the circle (the sun). No wonder we see so many pictures of crosses with the sun nimbus behind it, and sunsets in Christian
art — not to mention the “halos” of yellow around the heads of “Jesus” and the “saints”. This will be shown to be a world-wide Pagan influence; Buddha, Krishna, Ahura-Mazda, and Jupiter are only a few! (**Now called “NAZARENES”)

THURS-DAY (day #5)

The Celtic Thor’s Day; the deity of thunder and son of Woden and Freya. The same as Taranus, Thor was associated with thunder; the Dutch donder, or Germanic donner (one of Santa’s reindeer!). The Romans honored Jupiter on this day which was originally IU-PITAR, meaning Jovis-father. “Jove” corresponds to Zeus. The altar of Zeus, used at every Olympic game, is lit by a torch. The altar is shaped like a “T”. Thor’s emblem was the hammer, secretly interpreted as the letter “T”, harkening back to Tammuz (Babylonian Duzu), the son of Nimrod and Semiramis.  

FRI-DAY (day #6)

Old English Frigedaeg, this was Frey Day or Frigga Day. Frigga was the wife of Woden. The fertility concept associated with this day is very ancient. The Greeks honored Aphrodite on this day, and the Romans venerated Venus (Astarte). This day was the Egyptian’s day of Isis, depicted with the symbol of the fish on her head. The fish symbol pre-dates the Egyptians, coming from the Phoenician/Philistine cult of Dagon (Jdg. 16:23, 1Sa. 5:2). “Dag” is Hebrew for fish, and the Latin is Pisces. It was chosen by Pagans because a female fish lays hundreds, sometimes thousands, of eggs ~ a symbol of fertility. The Romans believed Venus (Astarte) came from the sky in a huge egg (not a saucer). We’ll go into more detail when we study the Great Mother, Queen of Heaven. Frigga’s emblem was also the FISH, hence it is seen today that Roman Catholics inculturated this into avoiding red meat on this day, replacing it with fish: the “fish fry” (even the word “fry” is describing a young fish). The Great Mother (Magna Mater) was universally represented by the fish emblem. The Greek word ichthys (ikhthus) spelled iota (Ι), chi (X), theta (Θ), upsilon (Υ), sigma (Σ) — spells “ICHTHYS” (“fish”).

ΙΧΘΥΣ doesn’t mean “Christ”, but fish. With considerable craft, the fish has
become a Christian symbol, due to a G r e e k a n a g r a m ,
Ιησουζ − Χριστοζ − θεου − Υιοζ − Σωτηρ (Iesous Christos Theou Huios Soter). Not to worry, it’s only a manmade tradition—too bad it just spells “fish”. The real “sign” of the Mashiach isn’t a crux or a fish, but a “lampstand” (menorah) Rev. 1&2. The Hebrew “menorah” has 7 lamps, and represents His body, the 7 assemblies, through which flows the “living water” (lamp oil, the laws which give light to the world). At Rev. 2:5 he said He would remove their menorah if they didn’t repent (stop breaking Commandments). Have you noticed any menorahs in and Christian homes or meeting houses?
Soon, you’ll learn why — He never threatened to remove any fish.

SATUR-DAY (day #7)

This was the Greco-Roman Day of Saturn.
Saturn was the Romans’ deity of agriculture, corresponding

to the Greeks’ deity Cronus. This day was dedicated to Saturnus, as was the
big party at the end of the Roman year at the Solstice, Saturnalia. Satur Day was also called Sater Day, and is unmistakenly linked to other Greco-Roman mythology. The SATYR, a goat-legged half man with horns and pointed ears, was believed to be a drunken, lecherous demon with an abnormal sexual appetite. The 7th day and the festival of “Satyrnalia” was modeled perfectly after the satyr profile; mischievousness, drunkenness, and orgiastic revelry. As you consider the wild week-ends enjoyed today by dating couples and party animals with their “mojo” drives, it’s clear nothing has changed.

Here’s a big foundational girder with no rivets, installed by Constantine in the Roman year 321 CE. This 7th day, the commemoration of Creation in which we honor the Creator AS the Creator is a *CRETAN; IN SUNKRETIZEIN, TO UNITE IN THE MANNER OF THE CRETAN CITIES — CRETANS WERE ALSO KNOWN AS LIARS—TITUS 1:12

“Temple in time” from sunset “Frey Day” to sunset “Satyr Day” ~ changed to his “Sun Day” under penalty of death, by only the authority of a man! All theologians and scholars admit there is no Scriptural basis for this change, but it was done by the authority of “the Church”. This day which was set-apart at Creation to be a day of complete rest from work has been “superseded” by traditions that served to unite Pagans with the Nazarene sect. Constantine’s historian, Eusebius, records the Emperor’s edict: “All things what so ever that is was duty to do on the Sabbath, these WE have transferred to the Lord’s Day”. He also recorded Constantine’s infuriated words, “The cursed wretches who killed our Lord . . . (the Italian Romans executed Him, Constantine’s people!)
. . . We will have NOTHING in common with the hostile rabble of the Yahudim
(“Jews”)”. Remember, the Romans executed our Nazarene Rabbi for sedition, or the claim that He was a king ~ Caesar ruled as a religious king. Sabbath is the “sign” of the Everlasting Covenant, indicating who we worship.

A WORD ABOUT TIME ~ Y6K is coming! Since Creation, just under 6000 years have been completed. Given the distances in light years that we can see into the heavens (outer space), many have fixed the age of the universe at almost 20 billion years. To look at Adam 5 minutes after he was created, they might estimate him to be 20 years old too. The trees with fruit on them were brought into being fully developed. The animals, created the day after the plants, needed the oxygen from the plants, that’s possibly why the animals came second. Relativity has been at work also since the beginning. When YHWH created the quasars and galaxies of stars, He brought their light to shine upon the Earth ~ that’s what it says. That’s why it’s called super-natural. He created space-time. You just have to keep in mind just how awesome the true Creator is, instead of trying to figure out the whole scheme without factoring Him in.

The real moons and years are based on the signs and seasons, and measured in packages of years called Jubilees (Yob-hel), numbering 50 years each. However, the reprobate Pagan mind interpreted the sun, moon, stars, and changing seasons based on SEX. That’s what is at the root of all Paganism! Plant and animal sex is a created thing, but the fallen state of man caused him to worship it, and established Pagan religion based on its processes, as we will see. All of history was recorded by the “winners” — usually the tyrants. So, it is only natural that their process of measuring time be what we use today. The original pattern of Roman time-keeping established by the authority of Julius Caesar in 46 BCE is still with us (There were only 10 months in a Roman year). Our Roman ‘moonths’ totally disregard the real new moons. The proclaiming of the new month settled into when Caesar announced it, and this act was called Caesar’s calends, Latin for proclaim. Originally, the first Roman month was March. After you have read this a number of times, you may begin to see this Pagan process of keeping time is a kind of MARK on us.

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