Sunday, August 18, 2013

Following the True Light

                                                          by Jay Scher

If you are not following the true light of יהושע Messiah, then you are following MAN! We don't want to be following MAN!

Man tells us we don't need to listen to the words of יהושע Messiah and that everything he said "was a lie then stuck to a cross that was really a tree". So how do you stick or nail something to a cross that is really a tree? They are blinded by the lies of MAN to start!

The true light is the Way, The Truth and The Life! Messiah would never say one thing and then have it all change once he died. That is not the gospel that he taught. He doesn't want to end up with another Ha Shatan/Satan or billions on them and that is what would happen, if it was OK to live a life of sin, then receive eternal life at the cost of having to do nothing your entire life! You would be showing that you didn't have to do anything to receive eternal life. It is a gift to those who obey him because they love him and they want to obey him. The wages of sin is death not eternal life!!

If you are not following the true light then you are following a pack of lies that some man told you! WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH!
Faith, grace and a life of sin doesn't = eternal life!

May Yah”s Favor, Wisdom, Endurance and Shalom be upon you as you walk In the Way  WITH BROTHERLY LOVE IN THE BODY OF יהושע MESSIAH 

visit Jay @ Facebook

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