Sunday, November 3, 2013


                                                   by Jay Scher

Mat 23:8 “But you, do not be called ‘Rabbi,’ for One is your Teacher, the Messiah, and you are all brothers. 
Mat 23:9 “And do not call anyone on earth your father, for One is your Father, He who is in the heavens. 
Mat 23:10 “Neither be called leaders, for One is your Leader, the Messiah.

So many don't listen to this one at all. They call so many people Rabbi's. I gues they think this scripture doesn't apply to them, just like so many other scriptures. Picking and choosing is very popular, but the truth is not!

Jer_9:3 “And they bend their tongue like a bow. Falsehood, and not truth, prevails on the earth. For they proceed from evil to evil, and they have not known Me,” declares יהוה.

Mat_22:16 And they sent to Him their taught ones with the Herodians, saying, “Teacher, we know that You are true, and teach the way of Elohim in truth, and it does not concern You about anyone, for You are not partial to any man.

With brotherly love in the body of Messiah in the Way, Brother Jay

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