Sunday, August 25, 2013

Ephesians 4

by Jay Scher

Eph 4:1 I call upon you therefore, I the prisoner of the Master, to walk worthily of the calling with which you were called,
Eph 4:2 with all humility and meekness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, Eph 4:3 being eager to guard the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace – Eph 4:4 one body and one Spirit, as you also were called in one expectation of your calling, Eph 4:5 one Master, one belief, one immersion, Eph 4:6 one Elohim and Father of all,1 who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Footnote: 1Mk. 12:32,34, 1 Cor. 8:6, 1 Tim. 2:5, Mk. 12:29-34. Eph 4:7 But to each one of us favour was given according to the measure of the gift of Messiah. Eph 4:8 That is why it says, “When He went up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts to men.” Eph 4:9 But what does “He went up” mean, except that He also first went down into the lower parts of the earth? Eph 4:10 He who went down is also the One who went up far above all the heavens, to fill all. Eph 4:11 And He Himself gave some as emissaries, and some as prophets, and some as evangelists, and some as shepherds and teachers Eph 4:12 for the perfecting of the set-apart ones, to the work of service to a building up of the body of the Messiah, Eph 4:13 until we all come to the unity of the belief and of the knowledge of the Son of Elohim, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the completeness of Messiah,
This is so important that so many people take for granted and do not. The teachers are for the building up of messiah until we all come to the unity of belief. If the teacher is not going by scripture then he is a false teacher. It is that simple; you dump him and go to one who is. You search and find the right one. This is not always easy. You don’t make your decision based on how nice the playground is and how many acres they have or how many buildings they have on the property to worship in. All these things can blind you. I know I have been there. You are thinking wow they have all these things, they keep the Sabbath and the Feast days. Then after many months you realize they don’t really keep the Sabbath that well and they are actually playing basketball and volleyball on the Sabbath, along with teaching the kids that this is OK, because no place in scripture does it say we can’t do this! You might be laughing by now, but this is a true story that happened to me several years back. I never noticed they were doing this until they put the basketball hoop about 30 feet from the Tabernacle door! I was always in the bible study that they had right after the pot luck in the same building. When I talked to them about it the main pastor said it doesn’t say in scripture they can’t play basketball and Volley ball in the scriptures. I told him it says we are not to do our own pleasure in Isa 58:13 “If you do turn back your foot from the Sabbath, from doing your pleasure on My set-apart day, and shall call the Sabbath ‘a delight,’ the set-apart day of יהוה ‘esteemed,’ and shall esteem it, not doing your own ways, nor finding your own pleasure, nor speaking your own words, He actually looked at me with a straight face and said “well we have just decided to turn our heads the other way on this one”. TURN OUR HEADS THE OTHER WAY. After that he said “I have nothing more to say to you” and he started changing the oil on his car. His other elder wouldn’t even talk to me about it. I started talking to him and he just actually turned his back to me and started talking to another person. His wife told me “this had actually gone to their doctrinal comity, they voted on this and it passed. So it is their doctrine to play basketball and volleyball on the Sabbath. The kicker of the story here is I had given a sermon the day before at their podium and I told his entire Assembly and other people, because it was during the Feast “that it was breaking the Sabbath to play basketball and volleyball on the Sabbath”. Little did I know it was their doctrine? LOL Several people from out of the area came up and thanked me for the message I gave. They said “they could feel the Ruach in the message as I was speaking”. Father Yah had given me the message to give and I had no Idea it was their doctrine. I was just Yah’s servant messenger coming to them and following his instructions. We left the feast the next day in the middle of it. It doesn’t matter how nice he seems to be or how entertaining he is or how many kids they have to play with your kids you turn and run! If you find yourself in a similar situation and we all do , so I am sure you will. You need to make the right choice no matter how hard it is or if you have kids, especially if they are giving you a hard time, because they want to stay and play with some kids they have met, they will almost always meet kids they like. You have to turn and run!!
Eph 4:14 so that we should no longer be children, tossed and borne about by every wind of teaching, by the trickery of men, in cleverness, unto the craftiness of leading astray,1 Footnote: 15:6, also 2 Cor. 10:5, 2 Cor. 11:3-14, Gal. 1:6-9, 2 Tim. 3:1-8, 2 Tim. 4:2-4, 2 Peter 2:2-22, Jud. vv. 10-19. Eph 4:15 but, maintaining the truth in love, we grow up in all respects into Him who is the head, Messiah, Eph 4:16 from whom the entire body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the working by which each part does its share, causes growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.
This is what we don’t see today “The Love Aspect of it all. People say the name of the father and the son differently. We should have love until we all come to the unity of the faith. If everyone is keeping the Sabbath the right way, along with the other Feast days, eating clean foods and keeping the other commands in Torah that apply to us. We should not be causing division with each other and putting each other down because we say the names different. We are all still in the body of Messiah. Maintaining the Truth in LOVE!! People need to be exercising the fruits of the spirit with each other if you have truly impaled your flesh with Messiah. Let the Father reveal the name to people and stop thinking we know everything. If you are truly in Messiah then why are you hammering other people for saying the name just a little bit different or saying they can’t be in your group, Assembly or Congregation if they don’t say the name just like you. Where are the following things that are supposed to be in you???? Gal 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustworthiness, Gal 5:23 gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no Torah. Gal 5:24 And those who are of Messiah have impaled the flesh with its passions and the desires. Gal 5:25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Gal 5:26 Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another.
Eph 4:17 So this I say, and witness in the Master, that you should no longer walk as the gentiles walk,1 in the futility of their mind, Footnote: 11 Cor. 12:2, and Jer. 10:2. Eph 4:18 having been darkened in their understanding, having been estranged from the life of Elohim, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the hardness of their heart, Eph 4:19 who, having become callous, have given themselves up to indecency, to work all uncleanness with greediness. Eph 4:20 But you have not so learned Messiah, Eph 4:21 if indeed you have heard Him and were taught by Him, as truth is in יהושע: Eph 4:22 that you put off – with regard to your former way of life – the old man, being corrupted according to the desires of the deceit, Eph 4:23 and to be renewed in the spirit of your mind, Eph 4:24 and that you put on the renewed man1 which was created according to Elohim, in righteousness and set-apartness of the truth. Footnote: 1Rom. 8:1. Eph 4:25 Therefore, having put off the false, speak truth, each one with his neighbour, for we are members of one another. Eph 4:26 “Be wroth, but do not sin.” Do not let the sun go down on your rage, Eph 4:27 nor give place to the devil. Eph 4:28 Let him who stole steal no more, but rather let him labour, working with his hands what is good, so that he has somewhat to share with those in need. Eph 4:29 Let no corrupt word come out of your mouth, but only such as is good for the use of building up, so as to impart what is pleasant to the hearers. Eph 4:30 And do not grieve the Set-apart Spirit of Elohim, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Eph 4:31 Let all bitterness, and wrath, and displeasure, and uproar, and slander be put away from you, along with all evil. Eph 4:32 And be kind towards one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as Elohim also forgave you in Messiah.
YAH’S SHALOM & BLESSINGS TO ALL THOSE WHO WALK IN>> “the Way” AND KEEP HIS COMMANDS TO THE BEST OF THEIR ABILITITY! Num 6:24 “יהוה bless you and guard you; Num 6:25 יהוה make His face shine upon you, and show favor to you; Num 6:26 יהוה lift up His face upon you, and give you peace.” Hearted
With brotherly love in the body of Messiah in the Way Brother Jay
visit Jay @ Facebook

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Following the True Light

                                                          by Jay Scher

If you are not following the true light of יהושע Messiah, then you are following MAN! We don't want to be following MAN!

Man tells us we don't need to listen to the words of יהושע Messiah and that everything he said "was a lie then stuck to a cross that was really a tree". So how do you stick or nail something to a cross that is really a tree? They are blinded by the lies of MAN to start!

The true light is the Way, The Truth and The Life! Messiah would never say one thing and then have it all change once he died. That is not the gospel that he taught. He doesn't want to end up with another Ha Shatan/Satan or billions on them and that is what would happen, if it was OK to live a life of sin, then receive eternal life at the cost of having to do nothing your entire life! You would be showing that you didn't have to do anything to receive eternal life. It is a gift to those who obey him because they love him and they want to obey him. The wages of sin is death not eternal life!!

If you are not following the true light then you are following a pack of lies that some man told you! WAKE UP TO THE TRUTH!
Faith, grace and a life of sin doesn't = eternal life!

May Yah”s Favor, Wisdom, Endurance and Shalom be upon you as you walk In the Way  WITH BROTHERLY LOVE IN THE BODY OF יהושע MESSIAH 

visit Jay @ Facebook

Sunday, August 11, 2013



                                                               By Jay Scher

What does יהושע Messiah tell us about this? Do his words carry any weight anymore? In this days world I tend to think they don’t. Is that not a sad thing to have to say? It really is. Then we have people that think they were saved at age 4 and then immersed at age 5. I am sorry, but at age 4 we don’t have the spiritual maturity to even understand the salvation message let alone everything that goes along with the commitment that one needs to make for the rest of their lives. They are not going to be a living sacrifice or know how to all those years growing up. They are going to be outside playing with their friends having fun. Even most teen agers don’t understand what they are taking on and what covenant relationship with "Father Yah and our Dear, Dear יהושע Messiah", is all about. They don’t realize the commitment they are making. So people just don’t take messiah at his word at all. They step all over it and make fun of those who keep it dear.
He did come to complete things, but not in the way that many people want to think he did. He is completing things, but it is not all done yet. He died, so when we repent for our sins we can be forgiven for them and so we are no longer under the death penalty for breaking commandments 2-7 and all the Feast days as we were in the first covenant. In the first covenant we could be stoned right away for breaking those commands. Now he also magnified the law, so if we dwell about sin it is the same as committing the sin without actually committing the action. He is also now our “High Priest and Intercessor”, as before we had Men that were our high priests. There are still many things that have not happened yet. The Kingdom is not here, his second coming has not occurred, there are way too many things to say he has completed things or fulfilled all things by being the final blood sacrifice for us. People just honestly are not looking at the full picture of what he had promised us and what the true plan for mankind really is. It just boggles my mind how he starts off in this verse saying he did not come to do away with the Torah/Law or the profits, but then because the word “complete or fulfill” is in there, people automatically think that negates the first part of the verse. How does this thinking come about and why is it so stuck in people’s minds? It comes from false teacher that want to tell people it is OK to feel good about sinning because we have grace now and he did it all for you so you have to nothing now, but believe in him. He just told us that is not what he came to do, but so many people want to think that is exactly what he came to do and we don't need to keep the commandments or the Feast days. Read it, it is so simple/ Mat 5:17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Torah or the Prophets.1 I did not come to destroy..... So we have it right there. He is not the destroyer of the commands, we know who is the destroyer and king of this world at this time, but people don’t want to think about that. This next part of the verse just messes that all up for people. Here is the next part; "but to complete or fulfill in some translations". So those three or two little words "BUT TO COMPLETE OR TO FULFIL" people just don't understand. Then Messiah throws out even more information for all of so no one gets confused, to make sure people understand what he is saying; Mat 5:18 “For truly, I say to you, till the heaven and the earth pass away, one jot or one tittle shall by no means pass from the Torah till all be done.
Mat 5:19 “Whoever, then, breaks one of the least of these commands, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the reign of the heavens; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the reign of the heavens.
NOT ONE JOT OR TITTLE SHALL PASS, which means it stays and we keep it. Then he goes further to make sure we understand it again. He knows how much humans can forget from one verse to the next. He tells us we are not to teach others it is “OK TO BREAK THE COMMANDMENTS”. WHAT DO PEOPLE DO??? JUST THAT, why do they do that? Because of these three tiny little words that they can't get wrapped around their mind "BUT TO COMPLETE OR TO FULFILL". The prophecies of the prophets have not been fulfilled yet. All things have not been completed. The Kingdom is not here, the resurrections have not taken place yet. There is still so much that has to take place. How do those three words change anything in the rest of the three verses that he said? THEY DON'T! Paul didn’t come along to teach against our Messiah either as so many people seems to think he did. He didn’t bring along a new gospel as so many people think he did. They always want to go to Galatians and totally take it out of context. They want to hold up Galatians on this high pole and think it some how crosses out the rest of the scriptures! Even if you think Pual/Shalul did bring along this new gospel that said all the commands are done away with. His words don’t trump יהושע Messiah and he doesn't have the authorization to change the Good News message! Please dwell on these words. I know I am preaching to choir for some, but for many they will and do think I am crazy, "CRAZY" I tell you and I am just fine with that!

May Yah”s Favor, Wisdom, Endurance and Shalom be upon all those who walk In the Way  WITH BROTHERLY LOVE IN THE BODY OF יהושע MESSIAH  Brother Jay

Sunday, August 4, 2013
